Work Placement Inclusion 2022

Since 2012, Invest for children has been committed to the labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through the Aura Fundación project. Aura Fundación was the first “Supported Employment” program in Spain, pioneering the implementation and development of this methodology. The MISSION of Aura Fundación is to help improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities through social and labor inclusion, following the “Supported Employment” methodology.

As of the end of October 2022, Aura Fundación is assisting 339 people. In October alone, there were 40 new contracts, 34 internship agreements, and 26 contract renewals. In total, 228 jobs have been secured in companies such as DABA Nespresso, Penguin Random House, and CaixaBank. Thanks to all the companies that are making labor inclusion a reality.

Additionally, in March 2022, Gerosa signed an agreement with Aura Fundación, committing to a sponsorship of €14,000 per year.


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